
Internet Identity


IIWXXXIX Fall 2024: October 29, 2024 – October 31, 2024

IIWXL Spring 2025: April 08, 2025 – April 10, 2025

What Is IIW

A Brief Explanation

The Internet Identity Workshop has been finding, probing and solving identity issues twice every year since 2005. We meet in the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA. Every IIW moves topics, code and projects downfield. Name an identity topic and it’s likely that more substantial discussion and work has been done at IIW than any other conference!

IIW Is More Relevant Than Ever

Why you should come

IIW was started to discuss what was then called “user-centric identity” and a look at the proceedings from past IIWs will convince you that topics related to user-centric identity are a big part of every IIW.

The recent interest in self-sovereign identity, blockchain-based identity, and related systems has pushed that conversation to a new level.

At the same time, IIW serves as a forum for working on the identity systems and protocols that make the modern Web work such as OAuth, OpenID Connect, User-Managed Access, and Fido, to name a few.

If you’re interested in identity, IIW has sessions you’ll be glad you didn’t miss.

Why You Belong at IIW

A Brief Explanation

IIW brings together the largest concentration on the planet of talent dedicated to designing and building identity systems that empower individuals.

You’ll acquire the real-time pulse of genuinely disruptive technologies that are the foundation of today’s important Internet movements.

IIW is at its heart a participatory conference, it is an Open Space unConference. Through dozens of sessions, called and convened by participants, lunches, and two evening meals (all included in ticket) you’ll have plenty of chances to exchange ideas and make new professional connections.

This is the time and place that you get to discuss, share your knowledge, work on and learn about anything & everything related to Internet Identity today.

October 29, 2024 – October 31, 2024

What People are Saying
About IIW
IIW is an un-conference

The Internet Identity Workshop has been finding, probing and solving identity problems twice every year since 2005. Every IIW moves topics, code and projects downfield. Name an identity topic and it’s likely that more substantial discussion and work has been done on it at IIW than at any other conference.

That’s because IIW is an un-conference. We have no speakers, no keynotes, no panels. All sessions are breakouts, and the topics are chosen and led by participants.

And identity is just a starting point. Many other topics come up and move forward as well. In the last few IIWs, hot topics have included personal clouds, privacy, data liberation, verifiable claims, decentralized identifiers, transparency, VRM, the Indie Web, the Internet of Things, the Semantic Web, trust frameworks, free and open devices and much more. We also make time and space available for demos.

IIW is cheap, as conferences go. ROI is also maximized by absence of company-driven agendas. Corporate participation is by humble sponsors who like what IIW does for the world — and to supply free meals each day and an all-day espresso bar.

IIW takes place over three days every Spring and Fall at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View. Register now for IIW, and do it soon because it’s likely to fill up.

IIW Sponsors
IIW is a hotbed of collaboration!

Sponsors keep conference fees low, by supporting the virtual platform, unConference set-up, providing meals and more, making IIW available to all who want to attend, participate and contribute.

Support the collaborative work that gets accomplished at every IIW! Contact Phil Windley if you’d like to help sponsor IIW.

Sustaining Sponsor
Available Sponsor
Conference Dinner
Diversity & Inclusion Scholarships
Diversity & Inclusion Scholarships
Available Sponsor
Welcome Dinner
Workshop Wifi
Conference Reception
Welcome Reception
Opening Circle
Available Sponsor
Qiqo Workshop Hub
Power and Tables
Lunch – Day 1
GAN Foundation
Lunch – Day 2
Lunch – Day 3
Available Sponsor
Post Event Social
Demo Hour
Women’s Breakfast
Breakfast – Day 1
Breakfast – Day 2
Breakfast – Day 3
Snack Table – Day 1
Snack Table – Day 2
Snack Table – Day 3
Documentation Center – Day 1
Documentation Center – Day 2
Documentation Center – Day 3
Open Gifting – Day 1
Identity Praxis
Open Gifting – Day 2
Available Sponsor
Open Gifting – Day 3