Regional Events

IIW Inspired™ Regional Digital Identity Open Space unConferences

IIW World Logo

Digital Identity unConference Europe​
June 18-20, 2024 in Zurich

Fostering Collaboration on the digital identity between governments, citizens, and companies across Europe

Next Event is June 18-20, 2024 in Zurich


The first even was June 7th – 9th 2023

Book of Proceedings can be found HERE.

DICE 2023 Opening Circle
DICE 2023 Agenda Wall Creation
Tweet featuring the government representatives on day 0
did:Unconf Africa Logo
Bridging the Digital Identity Gap in the SADC Region

New Event: September 25, 2024 – September 27, 2024, Cape Town, South Africa

Join innovators, leaders, and activists in reshaping the future of digital identity. We believe in the power of identity, and together we can make a huge difference to economies by ensuring everyone is included and no-one is left behind. A one day African Focused Digital Identity Symposium followed by two days of OpenSpace unConference.

DICE 2023 Opening Circle
DICE 2023 Agenda Wall Creation
Tweet featuring the government representatives on day 0
APAC Digital Identity Unconference
Digital Identity one building block at a time

The goal of the event is to foster innovation and collaboration between emerging digital identity companies and projects across the APAC region.

Next Event January 22 – 24, 2025 in Bangkok

APAC Digital Identity unConference Logo

The first event was in March 2023.

Book of Proceedings can be found HERE.

DICE 2023 Opening Circle
DICE 2023 Agenda Wall Creation
Tweet featuring the government representatives on day 0

We are engaging in conversations about other regional events along with creating a template for really local events at the country level.