Dear IIW Community Members,
In light of the continuing Coronavirus pandemic and its impact on in person gatherings and travel, we are pleased to announce that IIWXXXI will be online in Qiqo again
IIW has always been about getting things done. Missing an IIW and the important developments that are sure to happen is not an outcome anyone would be happy with. So, we’ll be setting up the IIW Virtual Meeting Space in Qiqo again and with some improvements!
As we experienced in April using Qiqo, which was specifically designed for remote Open Space (unConference) events, proved successful and even offered a few advantages to meeting face to face in Mountain View. We experienced the same kinds of high-quality interactions and discussion that have been the hallmark of IIW for the past 15+ years.
Over the past three weeks we have been developing a plan to host IIW virtually using a tool specifically designed for remote Open Space (unConference) events called Qiqo Chat. After reviewing the tool and how it’s been used for other Open Space events, we’re confident that it will allow IIWXXX to continue at the end of April with the same kinds of high quality interactions and discussion that have been the hallmark of IIW for the past 15 years.
We will have an Opening Circle each day where we set the agenda
We have an expanded Session Schedule with 24 time slots over the three days to accommodate our even more global participation
People will propose and host sessions, and sessions will be held in breakout spaces
After the end of sessions for the day, we’ll do a Closing Circle with Open Gifting ~ just like we always do
We will still hold Demo Hour – 2 of them, Tues. & Wed., for different time zones
We will still publish the Book of Proceedings with notes from all the sessions
We won’t have Rich, our favorite barista, or a snack table, but we will still have the same high-quality discussions and working sessions that make IIW a unique event
We’re excited to continue to host IIW in this new way and open it up to new people who might not have been able to attend and participate otherwise!
Thank you and see you in October!
Kaliya, Heidi, Doc, and Phil